Periodic Health Check For Timely Diagnosis Is Essential For Tackling Non-communicable Diseases

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where our schedules are packed and time is a precious commodity, we often neglect our most valuable asset, which is our health. We push aside the importance of regular health checks, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and consistent exercise until it’s too late. Only when illness strikes or when a disease is detected at an advanced stage, do we realise that we should not have ignored the early symptoms and undertaken tests in time.

While a comprehensive health check-up has always been recommended by clinicians, many of us do not prioritise it or are reluctant to go to a health facility, for various reasons. The pandemic triggered a heightened awareness of health concerns, placing the spotlight on diagnostics and prompting efforts to advance testing processes. Over the past few years, rapid technological advancements have also fuelled a surge in home collection services and point-of-care testing, facilitating easier access to regular health checks for consumers.