India@2047 – From Heal in India to Heal by India

September 21, 2022by ET Healthworld

As India celebrates 75 years of independence and the beginnings of Amrutkaal, its healthcare system, enriched by a 5000-year legacy has much to offer to the world.

From eradicating diseases to pioneering healthcare initiatives, the country has witnessed big advancements in healthcare. Known today as pharmacy of the world, India has earned a global respect in the sector by becoming the largest producer of generic medicines and vaccine supplier by volume and having launched Ayushman Bharat-PMJAY, the world’s largest public health scheme that aims to cover the bottom 50% of people in the country

Now at the threshold of its centenary, expectations to see a healthier, resilient India, are high. Let’s find out how …

Infrastructure expansion

As per 2022 Economic Survey, India’s public expenditure on healthcare stood at 2.1% of GDP in 2021-22 lower than the baseline target of 5%, against OECD average of 8%+. While some health experts have highlighted the need to increase public health spending to support healthcare transformation, others have emphasised on the need to have alternative financing models to ensure Universal Health Coverage for all.

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