CSR Initiatives


Re-imagining, Re-building Healthcare through CSR

While CSR is mandated by the Government of India for a prescribed class of India Inc., there are challenges being faced in ensuring meaningful CSR expenditure with tangible impact of their contribution in terms of socio-economic development of the society. NATHEALTH aims to provide a credible platform and establish itself as a reliable implementing partner for corporates in the CSR ecosystem of the country. It will design value-based and impact-oriented CSR projects and provide for an effective and transparent implementation solution.

The CSR initiatives of NATHEALTH’s in its initial phase, will be based on the themes of awareness and education, affordable medical care and treatment, primary health care and medical supplies. Measurable outcomes shall be the heart of the CSR initiates of NATHEALTH. Each of the CSR Projects will set clear and objective benchmarks or performance indicators, which can be measured over a period of time. NATHEALTH will conduct its CSR Projects in an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner by establishing high standards of transparent and ethical governance practices.

CSR Strategy/Blueprint

NATHEALTH’s CSR Strategy is the overall strategic objective of the organisation, detailing what it wants to achieve through its CSR Programs and the approach it will adopt to achieve the same. It shall function as a guiding document, which shall be continuously evolving based on changing internal and external environment and learnings through its CSR journey.
NATHEALTH’s Strategy Framework is based upon following six key dimensions:

Vision & Mission

Reliable Partners

Thrust Areas

Forging Partnerships

Measurable Outcomes

Transparent & Ethical Practices

CSR Vision

To create the most credible and high impact CSR platform to strengthen our position as a Healthcare Thought Leader.

CSR Mission

  • To provide high impact CSR returns to corporate on their CSR expenditure
  • To transform the ecosystem by stewarding integration, collaboration and reimagination by identifying the thrust areas in the Health care sector and contribute into its development
  • To catalyse innovation in healthcare sector
  • To identify and undertake such CSR Projects which will work towards: Creating a healthy Community through education, empowerment and research, Providing affordable healthcare, Strengthening healthcare infrastructure

CSR Thrust Areas

NATHEALTH’s CSR initiates will be targeted towards revolutionizing the healthcare sector of the Country. The CSR initiatives of NATHEALTH’s in its initial phase, will be based on following themes. Around these themes, NATHEALTH will design and implement its CSR projects.
Awareness & Education
Affordable Medical Care and Treatment
Primary Health Care Services
Medical Supplies

CSR Framework and SOPs

This document is designed to outline a framework for projects which NATHEALTH aims to undertake in the CSR domain and it consists of specific standardized procedures that shall lay down the detailed procedures for project identification, project implementation, monitoring of the project, its reporting and impact assessment of the executed projects. It shall also delineate the specific roles and responsibilities of the leadership teams within the organization.

Key Inclusions

  • CSR Charter
  • CSR Project Design
  • Standard Operating Procedures and Guidelines
  • Guidelines for External Agencies
  • CSR Donor Processes

The journey has already startedNATHEALTH's CSR Programs

CSR Champion Award: Total Health by Apollo Hospitals Group

Ready to get started but not sure where to begin?
Let’s figure it out together.