Press ReleasesIs Rajasthan’s RTH Bill the right template for India?April 7, 2023by Express Healthcare
Press ReleasesPvt healthcare providers want Rajasthan’s ‘Right to Health’ law to be kept in abeyanceApril 3, 2023by Fortune India
Press ReleasesWhy Rajasthan doctors are refusing Gehlot’s Right to Health billMarch 31, 2023by Money Control
Press ReleasesPut RTH Bill In Abeyance Till Consensus Is Achieved: NATHEALTH PrezMarch 30, 2023by BW Healthcare World
Press ReleasesRoll back Rajasthan’s ‘Right to Health Bill’ until consensus is achieved: NATHEALTH PRESIDENTMarch 29, 2023by ET Healthworld
NATHEALTH in IndustryHealth tech start-ups: New stars of India’s healthcare ecosystemMarch 27, 2023by The Times Of India
Press ReleasesDr. Ashutosh Raghuvanshi elected as new President of NATHEALTHMarch 27, 2023by Financial Express Healthcare
NATHEALTH in IndustryHere’s why digital adoption remains low in private health providers despite benefitsMarch 25, 2023by Business Today
Press ReleasesRural PPP hospitals: Private operators want govt help with operational costs, permission to fix feeMarch 23, 2023by Money Control
Press ReleasesNATHEALTH 9th Annual Summit: Healthcare leaders call for Addressing current barriers and unlocking pathways to achieving universal health coverageMarch 23, 2023by The Print