Full accreditation of hospitals sluggish but demand high for entry-level certification

September 22, 2022by admin

Only an estimated 2 percent of India’s hospitals with over 50 beds each have been fully accredited in the 17 years since the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers was set up.

According to the board, 835 hospitals with 50-plus beds each and nearly 800 with a capacity of less than 50 beds each have been accredited so far.

The NABH, which was formed under the commerce ministry’s Quality Council of India in 2005 to establish and operate accreditation programmes for healthcare organisations in India, went into a huddle with representatives of private hospitals recently to brainstorm on how to get more hospitals on board so that patient safety and clinical outcomes are improved.

Accreditation of hospitals is voluntary, but the government incentivises facilities that are accredited through various health insurance schemes.

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